শনিবার, ৬ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১০

A different type team,which work for Bangladesh.

Motivation of M.S.R Computer hacking World Group:

How are You? Hope well. We are fine coz now you are going to know about our Group motive.

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my‡hvM, KvVv‡gv, AvMªn, a¨vb-avibv, ev¯—e Ávb, cwi‡ek, B”Qv, Rvbvi B”Qv, Rvbvevi B”Qv... .. .. G meB Avgv‡`i g‡a¨ bvB| †mvRv K_v Avgv‡`i g‡a¨ bvB GKZv|

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শুক্রবার, ৫ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১০

Earn Money From Internet.

This data not for fun....Just for help....

There are several good ways and ideas to make money online including: Google Adsense, affiliates programs, selling products on eBay, paid surveys, mystery shopping etc. These are some of the most popular ways to make money online. Unfortunately, they are not easy for a beginner. Affiltate programs such as Google Adsense requires you to have a website or blog. Since you are a newbie or a beginner, most of you may not be having the knowledge of how to develop a webslie or a blog and make money with it. There are few tools and resources that allows you to create your own free website and blogs, but you still have to learn the basics and this takes time.

For example, you may set up a free blog on blogger.com, but integrating affiliate marketing programs with these blogs is not easy. You will have to learn it - which takes time. You can also earn money by selling products from eBay and Amazon but this too is not easy. You will have to learn how to choose the right product to sell with interesting titles, utilizing drop shippers, and many other tips and tricks. All this takes time to learn. So, are there any easier ways to make money online without having any websites or learning anything first? Well, the answer is yes, there are opportunities to earn money online without any website or blog or without investment.

Below are some ways that will help you earn money without going for all that mentioned above:

1. Ghostwriter Jobs: We all know that for any online article "content is king". The rule of thumb for any successful website or blog is its content. Webmasters and bloggers have realized the importance of content of their blogs and websites. Webmaster and bloggers have started hiring ghostwriters (often mispelled as Ghost Writer) to write good quality contents for them. Here you have the opportunity to earn money. As a ghostwriter you may be asked to write good quality content on various topics including - art, music, academic, blog, medical, religious, political, fiction, non-fiction, product reviews etc. How much you can earn as a ghostwriter depends on the length and complexity of the article or writing. Most ghostwriters are paid either per page, with a flat fee, or a percentage of the royalties of the sales, or some combination thereof. You can earn money by writing short articles consisting 250 - 1,000 words or as per the webmaster's requirements. You can earn around $5 - $10 per article depending on the length and complexity of the article.

2.Translator Job: You must have come across sites such as babelfish.com, yahoo.com and translate.google.com That are used to translate a webpage or text into any desired language. There are millions of websites and blogs online and most of these websites provide their contents in just one language. The latest trend on the internet is to provide contents of a website in more than one language. Now many webmasters can do this translator job. Here you have the opportunity to make money. If you are fluent in more than one language you can offer service as a translator. Chinese-English translator is the most in demand now because many webmasters are trying to enter the prosperous Chinese market. The current rate for translator services is $5 - $12 per article depending on the length and complexity of the article. This is comparatively an easier job than ghostwriter because you already have the content. All you have to do is translate the content into another language.

Now I am using some web site.This is realy good and effective...

No # 01: https://www.moneybookers.com/app/?rid=15052076

No # 02: http://www.odesk.com/users/~~5d4726f2f5d15238

No # 03: The On Demand Global Workforce - oDesk

Now go your destination,Be a Register member & Get Money...

Best of luck....

Your first date could be the door to a happy and lasting relationship.

Your first date could be the door to a happy and lasting relationship, or just the end of a relationship before it even begins. That's why finding good questions to ask on a first date is very important.
Since you and your date don't know much about each other, it could be a challenge to keep the conversation flowing throughout your date. But if you prepare some fun questions to ask in advance, it will be easy to avoid the awkward pauses.
Here are 3 fun and relaxing first date questions to ask your date...

Question #1: "How was your day?"

This is one of the best questions to ask at the beginning of your date, because it works as a great conversation starter.
Also by giving him/her the chance to talk about about him/herself and by putting the focus on him/her, you show your politeness and manners which will really make a good first impression on your date.
Also this gives you the opportunity to learn more about them based on what they did today and also HOW they talk about it.
For example if they keep complaining about how many bad things that happened today, you'll know they are most probably pessimistic and don't lead a happy life.
But if they talk about what a beautiful day it was and how much fun they had today, THAT would really make a difference.

Question #2: "What do you do for fun in your spare time?"

This is a great questions to ask to find out how much you have in common when it comes to your hobbies.
Also if your date tells you he/she is interested in a sport or activity that you like very much too, it will be the beginning of an exciting and fun conversation. You both can talk about why you love this hobby and how long you have been doing it.
Also the answers your date gives to this question will tell you a lot about his/her personality.
For example if your date says he/she loves reading so much that always spends the weekends reading books, but you're a very energetic person and love active outdoor activities, it will clearly show you're not very compatible in this part and will probably have a hard time finding fun things to do together in your possible future relationship.
What's more, this question acts as a smart way to find out if your date is a workaholic.
If you see he/she is having a hard time finding an answer to this question, or if the answers he/she gives are all about his business, this will tell you this person might be one of those people who shapes all his/her life around his work.



Question #3: "Do you have any pets?"

This question is very good because it starts a lively conversation. People love talking about their pets because they love them very much.
This lively and relaxing conversation will help you two feel more relaxed and comfortable with each other, so that you'll have a more fun time during the rest of the date.
But what if your date says he/she doesn't have a pet? Well, then simply ask "Really? Why not?" And again it will start a good conversation.

Final Thoughts

The questions you ask in your date are important, but there's a general rule that is even more important, but actually few people do it:
Put the focus and attention on your date, and ask a lot of questions about THEM.
Be curious about him/her. And be a good listener. Be genuinely interested and listen. The more questions you ask about THEM, the more scores you'll gain.
When you do this, congratulations! Because now you are unique and stand above 90% of other men and women who date.

Wish you a lot of success in your next first date!
